OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id, 'IsProcedure') = 1
definition LIKE
Returns one row per system object that contains an SQL language-defined module.
System objects of type FN, IF, P, PC, TF, V have an associated SQL module.
Getting System Defined Procedure text:
select object_name(m.object_id), * from sys.system_sql_modules m
inner join sys.system_objects t on m.object_id=t.object_id
where type='P'
select object_name(m.object_id) as name, * from sys.system_sql_modules m
inner join sys.system_objects t on m.object_id=t.object_id
where type='P' and name='sp_renamedb'
SQL Text of "sp_renamedb":
create procedure sys.sp_renamedb --- 1996/08/20 13:52 @dbname sysname, -- old (current) db name @newname sysname -- new name we want to call it as -- Use sp_rename instead. declare @objid int -- object id of the thing to rename declare @bitdesc varchar(30) -- bit description for the db declare @curdbid int -- id of database to be changed declare @execstring nvarchar (max) -- If we're in a transaction, disallow this since it might make recovery impossible. set implicit_transactions off if @@trancount > 0 begin raiserror(15002,-1,-1,'sys.sp_renamedb') return (1) end -- Only the SA can do this. if not (is_srvrolemember('dbcreator') = 1) begin raiserror(15247,-1,-1) return (1) end -- Make sure the database exists. if not exists (select * from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name = @dbname) begin raiserror(15010,-1,-1,@dbname) return (1) end -- Make sure that the @newname db doesn't already exist. if exists (select * from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name = @newname) begin raiserror(15032,-1,-1,@newname) return (1) end -- Check to see that the @newname is valid. declare @returncode int EXEC @returncode = sys.sp_validname @newname if @returncode <> 0 begin raiserror(15224,-1,15,@newname) return(1) end -- Don't allow the names of master, tempdb, and model to be changed. if @dbname in ('master', 'model', 'tempdb') begin raiserror(15227,-1,-1,@dbname) return (1) end select @execstring = 'ALTER DATABASE ' + quotename( @dbname , '[') + ' MODIFY NAME = ' + quotename( @newname , '[') EXEC (@execstring) if @@error <> 0 begin -- No need to raiserror as the CREATE DATABASE will do so return(1) end return (0) -- sp_renamedb
Returns one row per system object that contains an SQL language-defined module.
System objects of type FN, IF, P, PC, TF, V have an associated SQL module.
Getting System Defined View text:
select object_name(m.object_id), * from sys.system_sql_modules m
inner join sys.system_objects t on m.object_id=t.object_id
where type='V'
select object_name(m.object_id) as name, * from sys.system_sql_modules m
inner join sys.system_objects t on m.object_id=t.object_id
where type='V' and name='systypes'
SQL Text of "systypes":
CREATE VIEW sys.systypes AS SELECT name, xtype = system_type_id, status = convert(tinyint, 1 - is_nullable), xusertype = convert(smallint, user_type_id), length = max_length, xprec = precision, xscale = scale, tdefault = default_object_id, domain = rule_object_id, uid = convert(smallint, schema_id), reserved = convert(smallint, 0), collationid = convert(int, collationproperty(collation_name, 'collationid')), usertype = convert(smallint, typepropertyex(user_type_id, 'oldusertype')), variable = sysconv(bit, -- nvarchar, varchar or varbinary case when system_type_id in (165, 167, 231) then 1 else 0 end), allownulls = is_nullable, type = xtypetotds(system_type_id, 0), printfmt = convert(varchar(255), null), prec = convert(smallint, -- ntext, image or text case when system_type_id not in (34, 35, 99) then typepropertyex(user_type_id, 'precision') end), scale = convert(tinyint, typepropertyex(user_type_id, 'scale')), collation = collation_name FROM sys.types
sys.objects + sys.system_objects == sys.all_objects
You can verify by its count.
select count(*) from sys.objects
select count(*) from sys.all_objects
select count(*) from sys.system_objects
This helps to find all The User Defined Functions (UDF) in a Database.
USE AdventureWorks;
SELECT name AS function_name
,SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name
FROM sys.all_objects
WHERE type_desc LIKE '%FUNCTION%';
-- Except System Defined one
USE AdventureWorks;
SELECT name AS function_name
,SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name
FROM sys.objects
WHERE type_desc LIKE '%FUNCTION%';
exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
exec sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1
Configuration option 'show advanced options' changed from 1 to 1.
Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.
Configuration option 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' changed from 1 to 1.
Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.
The following line resets the Identity value for the Customer table to
0 so that the next record added starts at 1.
Is used only in a SELECT statement with an INTO table clause to insert an identity column into a new table.
Note: More than one identity column cannot be in table.
-- Create table
ProductName varchar(20)
-- Creating Copy of 'MyOrders3' with additional IDENTITY column
select IDENTITY(int, 1,1) AS Id,* INTO MyOrdersIdentity
from MyOrders3
insert into MyOrdersIdentity values ('Samsung')
select * from MyOrdersIdentity
Here we are see how to get the Increment & Seed Settings of Indentity in the table. IDENTITY(SEED,INCREMENT)== IDENTITY(10,5) Query Snippet: -- Create table with identity column CREATE TABLE MyOrders2 ( OrderID int IDENTITY(10,5), ProductName varchar(20) ); select IDENT_INCR('MyOrders2') -- 5 select IDENT_SEED ('MyOrders2') -- 10 drop table MyOrders2 -- Create table with identity column CREATE TABLE MyOrders2 ( OrderID int IDENTITY(100,50), ProductName varchar(20) ); select IDENT_INCR('MyOrders2') -- 50 select IDENT_SEED ('MyOrders2') – 100 Try After Reseting the Indentity by the below command: dbcc CHECKIDENT('MyOrders2',RESEED,10) It still shows the original setup in the table not the reset value by “CHECKIDENT” command. select IDENT_INCR('MyOrders2') -- 50 select IDENT_SEED ('MyOrders2') – 100
It creates a new table in the destination, so if any table having same name in destination, then drop and continue, otherwise it throws error.
-- Created table with Primary Key
CREATE TABLE MyOrdersPrimary
ProductName varchar(20)
-- Inserted some records
insert into MyOrdersPrimary values (1,'Samsung')
insert into MyOrdersPrimary values (2,'Nokia')
select * from MyOrdersPrimary
Select * into MyOrdersPrimaryCopy from MyOrdersPrimary
Note: the above wont copy the primary key to the copy table if you use
SELECT INTO STATEMENT, only it copies table and data.
To Overcome the ABOVE problem:
If you want the complete Table structure,
CREATE Table by using source table script and then use "INSERT INTO" to copy data.
Returns the number of bytes used to represent any expression.
Here the “datalength “ funcion helps to find the size of the data in the column. For example data in the column is “ARUN” then it takes 4 bytes, because one charater takes one byte, likewise you can calculate for all datatypes.
-- Created table with Primary Key
CREATE TABLE MyOrdersPrimary
ProductName varchar(20)
-- Inserted some records
insert into MyOrdersPrimary values (1,'Samsung')
insert into MyOrdersPrimary values (2,'Nokia')
select datalength(ProductName) as Bytes, * from MyOrdersPrimary
To get details about the columns of a table, you can execute the sp_columns stored procedure.
Its syntax is:
sp_columns [ @table_name = ] object [ , [ @table_owner = ] owner ]
[ , [ @table_qualifier = ] qualifier ]
[ , [ @column_name = ] column ]
[ , [ @ODBCVer = ] ODBCVer ]
This procedure can take many arguments but one is required. The required argument is the name of the
sp_columns N'Employees'
Imagine you had created a custom data type for your database:
USE Northwind;
CREATE TYPE NaturalNumber FROM int;
If you don't need such a data type any more, to assist you with removing it, Transact-SQL provides thesp_droptype. Its syntax is:
sp_droptype [ @typename= ] 'type'
This procedure takes one argument as the name of the custom data type you want to delete. Here is an example of executing it:
sp_droptype NaturalNumber;
The sp_refreshview stored procedure allows you to update the metadata of a view.
The syntax of this procedure is:
sp_refreshview [ @viewname= ] 'viewname'
Here is an example that executes this procedure:
sp_refreshview N'Invoices';